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Dog Medicine that Helps Your Puppy to Feel Better 


Each year, there are twelve to twenty-five million kittens and puppies that are born in the United States. Most of them do find their permanent homes. New pet owners should be vigilant because of their immature immune systems especially when it comes to superficially minor ailments. While statistics is difficult to come by, it is consistently estimated that between twenty and forty percent of puppies do not live to see their second birthdays. Kittens are somewhat more spirited, and thus have a lower mortality level. So, what are the most common diseases that these animals would experience?  Find out for further details on medicine for cats right here. 


1. Worms

Most of the time, worms are commonly found in the newborn puppies. Normally, they passed to the puppy in utero or by the milk of their mothers. Hookworms and roundworms are very common that veterinarians usually deworm puppies during the first and second visit. Also, it is possible for puppies to have heartworms. A puppy can get infection with heartworms any time after the birth, but he will not test positive for the infection until six months later, since the worms take six months to mature. The heartworms are the most common and number one killer of dogs, so most of the canine lovers do put their puppies on heartworm preventative medication as soon as possible. You can visit at this website for more info. 


2. GI Issues 
A gastrointestinal issue is one of the most common medical problems that are not always a bad thing. More often, puppies do experience about of vomiting and diarrhea but this is normally because their intestinal systems are still growing and are sensitive to latest new foods. Also, stress plays a part. You do not need a psychologist for dogs in order to know when you change the environment of the animal and take him away from his mother and siblings, which might be on edge. Hence, is pretty common for puppies to experience GI issues for at least the first week. Furthermore, if these it is best to your new puppy to a veterinarian as soon as possible if these problems continue to arise. The best way to prevent and avoid these issues is to put your puppy on a vet-approved diet. Refrain from making any unexpected changes in diet. Just the same with the human babies, the puppies need many amounts of growth's protein. That is the reason why you should not feed him regular dog food. It is very relevant in finding food that is designed most especially for the puppies.

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